For decades Divine Healing has been treated as whimsical and out of reach for the average believer. Centuries of lies and misconceptions have hidden the simple truth: all believers can lay hands on the sick and see them recover as Jesus did. In the DHT Training we destroy the traditions of men as well as excuses that have literally been invented based on experiencing failure instead of standing on the word of God. These false doctrines have been used to stop others from stepping out and has allowed many of the leaders in the body of Christ to hide behind as an excuse for not seeing biblical results. Curry Blake lost his oldest daughter to sickness when she was two years old. He then dedicated his life to find the answers that he so desperately searched for during his daughter’s sickness. Though he saw major improvements through prayer and faith it was not enough to win his daughters fight.
The Purpose of the DHT is to destroy the lies and traditions that you have been taught your entire life. We use scripture to tear apart and pull down these deceptions. Our goal is to see every believer including yourself walk in the power of the gospel. It is time to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give. The time for super stars and “special” anointing is over. You are called to be like Jesus and only He is our example. It is time to change the world in His name. Christ in you the hope of glory. Come let’s change the world!
JGLM Headquarters
1104 Summit Ave #102 Plano TX 75074
1 800 566 JGLM
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 742947 Dallas, TX 75374
Emergency Prayer Line
1 888 293 6591
Operating Hours
Sunday - Thursday
8am - 4pm